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The Kanze school Noh theater kids program child Noh academy fifth

 Lesson day (all six times)
On Tuesday, January 14, 2025, Tuesday, January 28, Tuesday, February 18,
Tuesday, March 4, Tuesday, March 11, Tuesday, March 18

I divide a course to target grade age, school year time

[infant course 15:30-16:00]
An object: 3 years old (mishuenjika), nursery school, kindergarten

[infant beginner course 15:30-16:00]
An object: Beginner of 3 years old (mishuenjika), a nursery school, the kindergarten

[lower grades course 16:20-17:10]
An object: Elementary school 1-3 years student

[lower grades beginner course 16:20-17:10]
An object: The beginner who is raw for elementary school 1-3 years

[upper grades course 17:30-18:30]
An object: Elementary school 4-6 years student, junior high student, high school student (possible a beginner)

Venue Kanze school Noh theater

Lecturer Takahiro Kitanami, corner Kojiro, Soya Kaneko, Mizuko Watanabe, Ryoji Taguchi, Miki Terai et al.
   Noh player belonging to Kanze school society

Entrance fee 
Infant course 4,000 yen (for the first twice)
※The entrance fee after the third has 1,500 yen pay the difference at the time of a visit once
※10,000 yen (possible payment that I gather it up) in the case of all six times attendance in total

Primary schoolchild 7,000 yen (I include/text for the first twice)
※The entrance fee after the third has 2,500 yen pay the difference at the time of a visit once
※17,000 yen (possible payment that I gather it up) in the case of all six times attendance in total

Junior high student, high school student 21,000 yen (I include/text for all six times)

White tabi
※Please bring the thing which slippers do not reach on the back side
※You can purchase a tabi at the time of an application in a Noh theater. (it includes 1,500 yen, tax)
Please specify the size of the tabi in an application form. (to for Thursday, December 26 receptionist)

Instructions about the participation
・I intend for the person who can participate on time in a principle, all lesson schedules.
(a participation number of times condition varies according to target school years)
・Third grader or younger asks for pickup and drop-off of the acting protector or protector being possible by all means (possible a visit of protector)
・When it does not reach a predetermined constant number, I may not open a course.
・I change contents or, taking the social conditions into consideration, may cancel it.

[application, inquiry]
I accept it from 10:00 on Wednesday, December 18 and start
Kanze school Noh theater 03-6274-6579
The application from a net accepts child Noh academy application from this

Kanze school library
〒150-0001 Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
5-27-2, Jinguumae

Kanze school society
〒104-0061 Chuo-ku, Tokyo
6-10-1, Ginza

GINZA SIX the third floor of the basement


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