Tama Art University Noh poster workshop 2021
Workshop summary
Special plan eleventh << Kanze school Noh theater Tama Art University≫
Noh poster workshop 2021
Noh poster workshop 2021
I had "craggy coast ability" go to the theater to students of Tama Art University every year in August in the Kanze school Noh theater and, about that, carried out the workshop which produced a poster work. Holding of "the Kanze school society craggy coast ability" was canceled for a corona evil in 2021, but please enjoy this plan to all of you that you are watching in this year.
This plan that began in 2011. Well, what kind of thought will the work group of this year when you see it leave for everybody from now on? It will be that it is in big encouragement for the student who participated in this approach if you see a work and can be interested in Noh even a little.
- - which was interested in Noh to see that poster. We wait expectantly for being able to meet a lot such a person alone in a Noh theater, too.
A course specialized in 3 annual when I am in charge in Tama Art University graphic design subject "graphic design
B-I "Kanze school society craggy coast ability" (before 2016 "visual language design -I") summer as for the study life since 2011
Continue the poster production that "ability" featured the theme of after having appreciated it with cooperation of the Kanze school society
I gave up.
The students who were able to sense one of the Japanese culture "ability" with the tradition of 700 years bodily directly for the future is valuable
I think that I was endowed at an opportunity.
Really unfortunately the craggy coast ability performance this year will be canceled for influence of <COVID-19>,
The study student studies ability as a problem in the summer the same as in the past, and work on a poster design, each of the response there is
I made result.
And let it archives it and publish the student work of 2021 in the homepage by consideration of the Kanze school society like usual
Having had, thank you very much.
I offer my gratitude for consideration.
Well, it is every me, but will retire from Tama Art University in 2021.
This project that lasted just ten years had the judgment called the box.
Having been taken care of very much for a long time, thank you very much.
I tell all of the Kanze school meetings which had a valuable opportunity about one of sincere thanks.
Katsuhiro Kinoshita (Tama Art University's professor)
Workshop [work]