Director Kiyokazu Kanze

ⒸNaruyasu Nabeshima
The 26th Kanze school head family
Kiyokazu Kanze
Kiyokazu Kanze
1959 Tokyo birth. Father is the 25th Kanze school head family Sakon Kanze first of the year.
The 26th Kanze school grandmaster who inherits the tradition of 700 years as a descendant of ryusokanaya, Zeami, sound Ami.
The 26th Kanze school grandmaster who inherits the tradition of 700 years as a descendant of ryusokanaya, Zeami, sound Ami.
In overseas performances such as not only the country but also France India Thailand, China, United States Germany Poland Lithuania and
I pull the Noh world as of the approach in the latest Nohs such as return music such as "Hakozaki" "pearl oyster pine" "Kamo incarnation", "change of heart of St. Paul" "Rikyu" eagerly.
Above all, I got an extremely high evaluation from a critic with the full prosperity day after day in an invitation performance (I give a performance for 6 for five days) in New York Lincoln Center in July, 2016 and put a great success.
In addition, I establish "a Kanze school library" storing a No-mask, noh costume, a book of secrets handed down and release many books of secrets, documents to a Kanze school grandmaster including Zeami handwriting book in "Kanze school archive" (the Internet) widely again and make an effort for a study and the spread of Noh. At the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011, I held requiem and mendicant (I do not feel it) gienno to revival energetically. In 2017, I relocated Shibuya-ku, the Shoto "Kanze school Noh theater" to soil "Ginza" related to a person of Kanze school and carried out the return that it was about 150 years since then.
In October, 2019 at "a dinner accompanied with the Emperor enthronement hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Prime Minister enthronement etiquette Enthronement Ceremony" to Japan government representative, each hometown neck, representative, celebration mission visited Japan a congratulatory address music "stone bridge" legitimate son Saburo large; showed it together.
Moreover, (Germany) I successively hold art culture promotion society councilors in Japan and contribute to preservation and the succession of the traditional art of Japan and hit upbringing developing as Guest Professor Tokyo University of the Arts music department, a lecturer at Chief national Noh theater three highest ranks training.
"Let's watch ability with Kiyokazu Kanze" for a book, a joint work, the supervision (Iwasaki Bookstore), and "the ability is so interesting" (Shogakukan), and, "modern version fine presence flower biography" (PHP), there is "Kanze school head family ability calendar" (*kosha).
Noh head family society's chairperson, Kanze school Director Bunko, Kanze school society's director, Tokyo art University guest professor, Director Managing Director Japan Noh society, a vice-chairperson, Advisor (public corporation) Noh association, Vice Chairperson Japan China cultural exchange association.
The recommendation of art Minister of Education rookie of the year title, French Chevalier title, special commendation of the 70th anniversary of Shibuya constituency system, the recommendation of art Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Prize, traditional culture Paula Prize award, JXTG music Prize, the Purple Ribbon Medal, receiving a prize (chapter) including the Japanese Art Academy Prize.
2023 Japan Art Academy member appointment. The same year persons of cultural merits authorized honoring.
The important intangible cultural properties general authorized holder.